Design And Installation


Turnkey Projects

turn-key_projectWhen projects are undertaken on a Turnkey basis, the project managers undertake to take the project from inception through design and then to construction and finally commissioning. This effectively relieves the project owners, allowing them to focus on their core business while leaving the project in the hands of competent and professional project managers. With a vast portfolio of experience in turnkey projects that involve design, implementation and project management, Sri Comm is well equipped to provide complete one-stop solutions to its clients for a variety of projects.

Design-Build Projects and Requirement Studies

design-projectsThe Company has been involved in various design and build projects involving WAN/LANs, Audio-Visual control systems, multi-media equipment and copper and optic fibre telecommunication networks.

Sri Comm also provides consultancy services to help its clients better understand their own project requirements and render professional advice so that our customers get The benefit of our own experience and that of the team of professionals in our employment.

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